
Esplais Catalans-Esplac looks out, we work as a networking and share experiences to understand our everyday’s context and change it, developing a consciousness about the global shared responsibility. We establish relations in a continued and compromised way with different platforms, federations and associations.


Escola Lliure El Sol drives the knowledge and the evolution of the activists, leaders, workers and trainers of the popular education and of the social economy to improve the living conditions and of the full emancipation of the citizens.


Incoop advises, designs and manages services, infrastructures and socio-educational and cultural programs based on criteria of innovation quality and flexibility to offer to our audience, value’s proposal that leads to objectives of the community attention’s achievement.


La Fundación Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia non-profit entity that is working in the field of youth, education, democracy participation, European citizen and the public policies in general.


Acció Escolta de Catalunya is a federation of Catalan scouts. Is defined as a Catalan, non-religious, active, democratic, progressive and open citizen school that teach using the scouting.


Casals de Joves de Catalunya brings together youth associations that encourage the participation of young people, from their own organization and under the principles of self-management, democracy, secularism and social transformation.

Esplac is also part of other nationals and international associations:

Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya (CNJC)

The Consell Nacional de la Joventut de Catalunya (CNJC) is a platform that promotes the youth’s interest in the society and ahead of public authorities since 1979.

Consell de la Joventut de Barcelona (CJB)

Consell de la Joventut de Barcelona (CJB) is a platform of associations and groups that represents the youth organized in Barcelona. It works as a network to promote the associationism, bring proposals and alternatives taking into account the troubles and concerns of youth people.

International Falcon Movement-Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI)

The International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI) is an international educational movement working to empower children and young people to take an active role in society and fight for their rights. is a network that promotes collective action by affiliated entities. works actively to achieve global justice and the eradication of inequalities everywhere, to other parts of the world and in our territory, through development cooperation, the defense and promotion of human rights and the promotion of peace .

Consell de la Joventut de Badalona (CJBDN)

Consell de la Joventut de Badalona (CJBDN) is a platform of associations and groups that represents the youth people organized in Badalona.

Federació d’Organitzacions Catalanes Internacionalment Reconegudes (FOCIR)

FOCIR (The Federation of Internationally Recognised Catalan Organisations) is the only Catalan civil society platform that carries out public diplomacy. It was founded in 1995 as the result of an agreement between different Catalan associations wanting to promote their own presence and that of Catalonia internationally.

Logo XES
Xarxa d’Economia Solidària de Catalunya (XES)

The Xarxa d’Economia Solidària (XES) is an organization formed by almost 500 partners. It defends an economic system that respects people, the environment and territory and operates under democratic criteria, horizontality, transparency, equity and participation.

Esplac receives funding from:

Other public bodies where we develop out our activity.